Using the 'I' Grid

Activity 1
All speech and language therapists agree that action words are really important for language development, and this little grid can help MyChoicePad users get started with verbs.  In one Early Years setting, this grid was edited to remove ‘I’, ‘look’ and ‘see’. The MyChoicePad grid is used to help the children get involved in singing! To the tune of ‘here we go round the mulberry bush’ the verses go:
This is the way we sit on our chair….
This is the way we wash our hands…
This is the way we scrub in the bath..
This is the way we have a shower..
This is the way we have a drink…
This is the way we go to sleep…
The symbols on the grid help the children take turns to have a go choosing the next verse - and join in with the actions!
Great for:  Early Years
Activity 2
This idea is top of the pops for all our ‘Mr Tumble’  fans!  On the programme, children are encouraged to ‘look’ at items and to sign what is being referred to.  They are also asked ‘can you see…..(item). Edit the grid to get rid of everything but ‘look’ and ‘see’ and let your own budding Justin call the shots!
Pop into the MyChoicePad library and add things for  your very own ‘Justin’ to talk about! 
Great for:  Something Special fans..children with an acting talent..!
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