‘Where?’ grid
MyChoicePad users often understand the question word ‘where’ long before they learn to use the word themselves. One of the families who have used MyChoicePad since first launch date suggested this grid, as it had worked so very well to help their teenage daughter ‘crack’ the ‘where?’ question.
The method they used was to take a turn to ‘send’ the question word and one of the other concepts up to the sentence bar: to make a question i.e. ‘where + car’. This question must then be ‘read / signed’. The person being asked the question has to press the correct cell in the grid to answer the question. The ‘correctness’ of the answer is confirmed by the fact that the chosen symbol will match the concept already in the sentence bar. Simple!
Great for MyChoicePad users who are ready to experiment with asking their own simple questions. Once mastered, can help the MyChoicePad user transfer use of the question to many other situations.